Club RCA Day Program
Club RCA offers activities and socialization for older adults facing cognitive challenges, 3 days a week from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), and provides an opportunity for caregivers to take a respite from caregiving responsibilities.

Respite Care Atlanta is a professionally led, volunteer-driven respite program designed to support caregivers and their loved ones in a safe, caring and comfortable atmosphere. We seek volunteers of all ages to provide families with an affordable, community-based, social-recreational program option for respite care.

Caregiver Support Groups
RCA’s Caregiver Support Group Program offers a complimentary support service that provides strategies to reduce caregiver stress, mutual support, and resource-sharing for all families taking care of an adult loved one.

Community Resources
Respite Care Atlanta is dedicated to helping caregivers and families find the support and care that fits their needs when facing cognitive challenges. Even if a day program is not suited for their family, Respite Care Atlanta will do their best to help connect families to the right community resources.
Sarahs’ Garden
Sarahs’ Garden honors two best friends, Sarah Kennedy and Sarah Clarke, who formed one of Atlanta’s first Alzheimer‘s support groups together. Both women cared for a parent with Alzheimer’s disease.
Some Frequently Asked Questions you may find helpful.
How do I explain your adult day program - Club RCA - to my loved one?
Club RCA is advertised as a social club to our members. It is an opportunity for our members and volunteers to socialize and experience fun activities together.
How much does Club RCA adult day program & other support services cost?
Club RCA costs $55 a day and our support groups are free of charge.
How does the application process for Club RCA work?
After contacting Respite Care Atlanta with your information, RCA staff will contact you to schedule an over-the-phone eligibility screening to discuss your loved one, their needs and the needs of their Caregiver. After this initial phone call, Caregivers and their loved ones will be invited for a scheduled visit our facility and experience Club RCA. After this visit, if you are interested in participating in Club RCA, caregivers will be given/emailed a paper application to complete for enrollment in Club RCA.
What are the hours of operation for Club RCA?
Club RCA is open Tuesday – Thursday from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. However, RCA staff are available to answer any questions or share resources Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
What happens when my loved one cannot attend on their enrolled day(s) for Club RCA?
RCA only charges for the days that your loved one attends. If your loved one will be absent on a program day, please notify staff as soon as possible.

Contact Respite Care Atlanta
We are located in Buckhead at:
Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church
2715 Peachtree Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30305